White Book_Edition3
Purchase The white notebook from our website, and you will receive a blank book with details of the project. Fill it with musings, everything from comics to portraits to text to collage. Once the pages are complete, ship the treasure to the mentioned address. You will receive a notebook from a stranger in exchange for you submission. Hopefully, he/she will not be a stranger when you finish the book. There are absolutely no rules about what to put in this notebook, or about who gets to make one, so first-time artists, children, illustrators, painters, designers and dreamers are welcome to participate. Use it as a sketchbook, diary, journal or an album. Tell stories of your everyday. List our your favourite songs or share a secret recipe! It is a medium to deliberately rest upon the window sill of the life of a complete stranger who might share something in common with you. In this time and age, where anonymity is a profile-click away, we intend to provide a platform for creative story-telling on a personal level. Above everything, the idea is to get us all closer, one stranger at a time. Return by May 2019 !